El hecho de que la saga original de Harry Potter estuviera ambientada en la actualidad no llegó nunca a implicar que el diseño de producción tuviera menos importancia, como se demuestra en un escenario tan impresionante como la Escuela Hogwarts de Magia y HechicerÃa.
Pero la historia de Animales Fantásticos y dónde Encontrarlos, la precuela que ha contado con un guión de la propia JK Rowling, se desarrolla en la Nueva York de 1920, lo que significaba que el equipo tenÃa que hacer un esfuerzo extra por inyectarle vida a ese mundo.
Para la difÃcil tarea, según recoge un reportaje de Metro UK, el equipo contó con la imprescindible ayuda de Peter Saunders y su casa de estilo victoriano. Saunders empleó 11 años en restaurar su vivienda de manera que pareciera pertenecer realmente a los años 20, y el resultado final ha servido de inspiración directa para los escenarios de Animales Fantásticos y dónde Encontrarlos.
Items from the house in Nottingham at Peter Saunders house where he lives in the 1920’s. See Masons copy MNHOUSE: A man’s obsession with restoring his Victorian era house has become so extreme that major movie studios are relying on him for inspiration. Peter Saunders, 36, has obsessively spent 11 years restoring his cottage to its original Victorian character and his house has now inspired a set design for the upcoming Harry Potter spin-off film. Peter, a county council press officer, has lived in his four-bedroom Nottinghamshire cottage since 2004. He said: «The most exciting development recently was when I found a scrap of wallpaper in the second bedroom. I kept it and took it to a historic wallpaper reproduction company.Peter Saunders of Nottingham at his home where he lives in the 1920’s. See Masons copy MNHOUSE: A man’s obsession with restoring his Victorian era house has become so extreme that major movie studios are relying on him for inspiration. Peter Saunders, 36, has obsessively spent 11 years restoring his cottage to its original Victorian character and his house has now inspired a set design for the upcoming Harry Potter spin-off film. Peter, a county council press officer, has lived in his four-bedroom Nottinghamshire cottage since 2004. He said: «The most exciting development recently was when I found a scrap of wallpaper in the second bedroom. I kept it and took it to a historic wallpaper reproduction company.Peter Saunders of Nottingham at his home where he lives in the 1920’s. See Masons copy MNHOUSE: A man’s obsession with restoring his Victorian era house has become so extreme that major movie studios are relying on him for inspiration. Peter Saunders, 36, has obsessively spent 11 years restoring his cottage to its original Victorian character and his house has now inspired a set design for the upcoming Harry Potter spin-off film. Peter, a county council press officer, has lived in his four-bedroom Nottinghamshire cottage since 2004. He said: «The most exciting development recently was when I found a scrap of wallpaper in the second bedroom. I kept it and took it to a historic wallpaper reproduction company.